Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, February 26, 2023

Pray and Live in Love, Ask God in This Time of Grace for the Gift of a Faith That Knows How to Love Everyone without Prejudice

Message of Our Lady to Marco Ferrari in Paratico, Brescia, Italy, During the Prayer of the 4th Sunday of the Month


My dear and beloved children, when My Son Jesus comes again to earth, He will seek faith and love in your hearts, remember children, you will be judged on love, yes, children, on love.

My children, Jesus gave His life for you, He when He was on earth did many works of love and continues to do them even today, that is why I invite you to love and see His work growing in you and with you, His work spreading in the world out of love, children, give thanks to Jesus by loving Him in the poorest and most abandoned brothers and sisters, children love each other by always forgiving everyone.

To love My Son means always forgiving all those who offend you. My children, you do not love My Son Jesus if you cannot forgive your brother, if you do not make an effort to understand your neighbor, if you only judge him without correcting him fraternally with love and out of love. My children, you can be men and women of prayer, but, what good is prayer if you do not know how to love and forgive your brothers? Pray and live in love, ask God in this time of grace for the gift of a faith that knows how to love everyone without prejudice. My children, the world lacks love, you be instruments of love.

I caress and bless you all in the name of God who is Father, God who is Son and God who is Spirit of Love. Amen.

Thank you for coming here in prayer. Ciao, My children.

Source: ➥